10 interesting facts about bow ties

  1. Many believe that their first use was during the Prussian wars when Croatian mercenaries used them to tie their shirt collars shut. Source: Wall Street Journal
  2. Less fabric is used to make them (37 inches) in comparison to traditional ties (57 inches). Source: Bloomberg
  3. Retired US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wears them since he cannot tie four-in-hand knots. Source: Washington Post
  4. Perfect alignment is not expected — nor preferred. This neckwear is suppose to look somewhat floppy or off-kilter. Source: GQ
  5. It has been since the 1870s since the last major change in shape. Source: Wall Street Jornal
  6. They are used in many corporate identities. The beer company Budweiser introduced a bow tie shaped can in 2013 as a tribute to its logo dating back to 1956. Chevrolet cofounder William C. Durant introduced the company’s bow tie logo; however, there are many theories of its origin. Playboy Enterprises, Pringles, and Kentucky Fried Chicken are other major companies that incorporate them into their logos. Sources: BudweiserChevrolet, and Wikipedia
  7. In 2007, Iran banned wearing them (along with traditional ties) in the province of Gilan. Source: NCRI – National Council of Resistance of Iran
  8. Popcorn businessman Orville Redenbacher was a devotee. Source: Biography Channel
  9. Over the last few years sales have increased dramatically — increasing from 4% of the 2012 US neck wear market to 7% in 2013. Source: Bloomberg
  10. The origin of the French term “cravat” goes back to when aristocracy started wearing the Croatians’ neckwear (see fact #1). Source: Wall Street Journal